"I’m a certified Building Biologist and I’ve tested the EMF Solutions products out now for about two months and I’m very impressed with the results.
As a Building Biologist, we traditionally like to eliminate or block RF radiation but as the ubiquitous radiation has increased from all directions... it’s virtually impossible to accomplish this with many homes.
So I’m happy to say that I do recommend your products.
I’m hoping this could give people some more hope especially knowing this works in the subatomic level which is where the vibration chaos occurs to damage the biology of the body.!"
-Robert Workman
EMRS Specialist- St. Louis

"I graduated from Chiropractic school 27 years ago and did not know a thing about EMF’s as it was never mentioned in school.
However, I became aware of EMF’s through post-graduate courses over the past 20 years and have had patients with severe electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) that I have had great difficulty treating as I have not been able to find an adequate solution for their problem.
I’ve tried different remediation products in the past, but I was not completely certain they were providing enough protection for myself and the patients that used them.
Fortunately, I crossed paths with D’Anna Robinson who introduced me to EMF products that not only helped me, but my patients as well. The first night I remediated my house, we noticed an immediate difference. We slept great and felt calmer and more relaxed.
I thought our house was well remediated as I had already spent around $17,000 to remediate my own house with high end consultants, metal shielding and putting all my electrical wires in metal clad casing but the products D’Anna introduced to me proved that it was a superior method of remediation and only at a fraction of the cost".
Dr. Derek Taylor, D.C.

"I am so thankful to meet D’ana Robinson with Emf Solutions. From the first night I got my condo bundle, with the room harmonizers I slept better and didn’t have nightmares and felt so well rested and so did my entire family.
I personally suffered a condition that started from living in a heavily emf polluted apartment that effected my thyroid and overall health. I found solutions along the way but nothing like this. I can say I have reversed my condition and use emf solutions everywhere for me and my family and all my patients.
Thank you EMF solutions for coming out with these tools! They are so much needed in this time. I highly recommend!"
-Dr. Lauren Marcus, DC
Co-Founder Lab of Life Wellness Center

EMF Solutions was our easy, one stop shop for EMF remediation.
My husband and I are so thankful we found this terrific company!
We highly recommend the Room Harmonizer and the Better ZZZ’s. After placing these devices in our room, l immediately noticed a difference in our energy the next morning. I woke up feeling refreshed and happier. I didn’t tell my husband that I put these two devices in our room, and he shared that he felt better the next morning too but wasn’t sure why. He said it felt like he had two cups of coffee upon waking.
We also purchased the EMF Band in the fun, blue cameo color for our kid along with the adult EMF Band XL. I feel better knowing that our family is protected as EMFs are all around us and can be a detriment to our health.. zapping energy, brain fog and so much more.
I’d highly recommend this company as well as D’Anna (The EMF Gal.) D’Anna was super helpful and knowledgeable, and offered wonderful customer service. Thank you, D’Anna! After the positive experience I’ve had with these products, I look forward to placing my next order with you. My husband needs the Room Harmonizer in his office. Can’t wait to buy!
~K. Kelly

We bought the Home Harmonizer from EMF Solutions. It is one of the best things we have ever spent money on. We followed the steps to install and it was very easy, a five minute job.
Then, according to the suggestion of D’Anna Robinson, we left our home for a few hours to let the Harmonizer neutralize the whole house. Because we are very sensitive, we took this precaution.
When we came home after ten hours, we did not experience much of a “detox” effect, only a bit of very minor tension headache. It went away after two hours. The next day when we woke up, the first thing we noticed was how quiet the whole house was, as if we had moved to a cottage.
This experience only happened when there was plenty of snow covering the ground so that the traffic noise was muffled. When we talked, it seemed we all sounded louder. Actually, I heard my slippers squeak when they rubbed on the wood floor which I never noticed before. We felt we were on holiday because it was so calm and the outside noise was faint. What a lovely and wonderful atmosphere inside the house. It was as if there was a power outage, the electricity stopped working and the home became very quiet.
We are very pleased with this and we know something is working. We don't even need an EMF meter to prove it. Thank you EMF Solutions for your hard work to create and invent your products to bring the blessing of God to us."
~L Wong

I am so thankful to D’Anna Robinson for her compassion and guidance with selecting the right products on January 10th. I had 7 smart electric meters installed under my bedroom window.
I have already been harmed by water and gas, smart utility meters, which there’s a little distance. I could not enter my bedroom at all. I felt as though I was choking on this radiation, so I have been sleeping on my sofa. I did follow the instructions of one item per day .
I started with the Better ZZZ's although I was told to leave for several hours,
I wasn’t prepared as I placed under the mattress, my heart felt as though it would explode.
Well I understood why... LOL! The next day I installed the harmonizer. I waited for several hours and I was actually able to sleep in my bed for the first time since January 10th.
I have purchased products in the past from other companies which did not work. I did not know if this would actually work. The level of radiation in my condo was so high, my eyes were burning . My home was uninhabitable and NOW the products have reduced the EMF.
I am very thankful to EMFSol for their products, and D’Anna as she listened to my situation and helped select what I needed for my situation."

"My first night’s sleep was the deepest sleep I have had in more years than I can remember. The difference was remarkable."
~Ron M.
"It appears that the Better ZZZs and EMF band may have stopped my sleep apnea or at least my breathing difficulty when on my back!"
~Connie S.
"The products has already had a big impact on sleep and stress, so I will definitely be a returning customer and inform my network."

"I am so surprised and amazed— I wore my personal card all weekend for my Army Reserve duty last weekend. Usually after my weekend, when I get home, I am so tired and run down and always get a huge migraine that won’t go away until I sleep, and sometimes it even remains the next day.
But this time, I didn’t get a migraine! I really couldn’t believe it — When I got home, I had enough energy to make dinner and play with my kids, with no headache whatsoever!
I’m so thankful!"
~Amy Smith
"I've had a persistent dry cough for 14 months. I had been diagnosed with ‘reactive airway disease’. The cough had been exacerbated by a mold situation in one of the offices I worked in. I ended up with double pneumonia which then became bronchitis. It was awful. I did my best to deal with the condition- 5 visits to the urgent care, had 3 nebulizer treatments, 2 rounds of antibiotics and more, but still had countless sleepless nights due to nonstop coughing.
D’Anna offered a complimentary EMF Radiation evaluation of my home and boy was it eye-opening! One of the microwaves frequencies that to be within an acceptable range, should be 30 or below; mine was over 2000! When she added the EMF devices in my home, within 5 days a change was noticed. Within the subsequent week the cough diminished to about 10%!
. I highly recommend D’Anna and her equipment to ensure a clean and harmonious environment. Thank you D’Anna for helping me finally overcome that situation. I’m eternally grateful!"
~Maureen Pisani,
"Since using the EMF Re-mediators I feel calmer, the headaches have gone away and I am sleeping better!😁. In addition, my symptoms while watching TV have improved - less eye burning and ear tingling/itchiness and overall irritability. I think the wrist band really helps!!
Also, the cell chip has made a difference, enabling me to use my cell phone with much less sensitivity to the touch - my fingers used to tingle when I touched the phone!!
Thank you D’Anna for all your expertise and help!!"
~Kim Lyne

"First night with house remediated. And whoa!!! Here is what happened: I had the best sleep I've had in a very long time.
I've been waking up in the middle of the night with anxiety and it's the first night I haven't in awhile.
I had some swollen lymph nodes bugging me on my right hand side of neck for 2 weeks and they are gone.
Hubs also said he slept really well last night too! Wow!'"
"My husband and I feel so much better after only 48 hours of having the EMF solutions products installed in my house.
I already feel it’s positive effects taking place. I’m a naturally anxious and high strung person in both my mind and body. But after just 48 hours although my mind hasn’t been quieted, because that has to do with other past traumas, my body has found a sense of peace and regulation and calm that it hasn’t had in a very long time.
Our family has noticed a big difference in our sleep too!"
"After our home harmonizer was installed near our smart meter, my husband, sister and I felt such a great sense of Calm and peace in our home.
I’ve been highly sensitive to EMF’s so I am Grateful to have EMF protection in our home from these devices.
Thank you D'Anna"

"Thank you again for setting up the EMF remediation program.
I already am sleeping much better - not waking up in the middle of the night, anxious & nervous.
Also, the headaches in the morning are gone"
"When AT&T installed the router in my bedroom I didn't notice that my sleeping continued to deteriorate over the last two or three years.
When the remediation happened I found I was sleeping longer and deeper, so there is a difference before and after having the house fixed. I also moved the router out of my bedroom."
~Steve Allen
"The tremors are significantly reduced - mostly gone. I’m still having a bit of pain in the heart area sometimes, but it's much less.
I have noticed that I’ve been sleeping more soundly. Last night was an exception, but most nights this week I’ve slept a lot better."
~Nina D

"My husband and I feel so much better since we set up EMF Solutions in our home. My husband is sleeping better and says our home feels "calm".
I feel clearer in my head, minus the brain fog I was feeling and definitely have more energy. This product has been amazing for both of us!"
~Mary Ann
"Hi D’Anna, Since we’ve harmonized my home, I feel a big difference . . . I haven’t had any headaches and better sleep! praying that will continue!
Thanks again!
~Lori Weir
" I had an impulse to place the small device chip on the main power chord to my my 300k plus audio system. Oh my goodness. The transformation has been nothing short of stunning.
The big fireplace in the center of my system disappears into the great unknown and all that remains is the beauty of sound/music. I will be purchasing a number of these small angels of sound from you shortly."

"My left arm, which is always burning from holding my phone, immediately stopped burning when I put on the EMF band except for one tiny spot near my elbow.
Then, when I put the cell chip on my phone, I could totally feel the difference. It normally seems like it's vibrating slightly in my hand, and it’s now all stopped thanks to the EMF Solutions Products."
~Dina B.
"Previously, anytime I went somewhere I felt fully exhausted, with blurry eyes, a fuzzy brain, feeling drunk, needing a bath and then getting a headache! I just returned from 5 months in India during which I wore the band constantly...
And, I experienced a liberty I haven't experienced in 9 years! Truly remarkable, I don't know how these products work and I don't care...I have my life back! Additionally, for someone following a spiritual path, I truly feel that my 'connection' is clearer than ever...again."
~Lisa B.
"In my 6 room office suite the ringing in my ears felt like I was bouncing off the walls.
As soon as I plugged in the room harmonizer, we felt a calm and when I put the chip device on the WiFi router it got even better."
~Barbara A Dickey